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Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP, OP)


We offer an alternative to inpatient/ residential treatment where we support and facilitate relapse management and coping strategies in a healthy and holistic setting. 

Addiction/ Substance Dependency


Alcohol and substance abuse are often viewed as a compulsive use of drugs despite the negative consequences. Here at the T.J. Gardner Center we are here to walk with you through this journey of healing. 

Community Service Activities


We utilize community services activities to bring together a family dynamic of serving others, serving our communities, and finding purpose all while doing so. 

About Us

The TJ Gardner Center was named after Terrence, who was one of the owners’ older brothers. T.J. was a man full of life, and a whole lot of love. He loved being outside and truly enjoyed gardening in his backyard. He enjoyed outdoor activities and especially loved the ability to spend time with his family and friends. T.J. had a very big heart and was always willing to help regardless of the situation. His willingness to help those in need extended beyond just his family, but to his friends, and to complete strangers as well. 


Unfortunately, because of the lack of facilities and help like the T.J, Gardner Center provides, the stresses and traumas in T. J’s life got the best of him one day and he had a relapse and passed away from an overdose of Fentanyl. Not only does his memory live on through the lives of his four children; Kayla, Jaiden, Leghiana, and Xavier, but his memories remain alive and are what drives our facility to make a difference, one life at a time. His spirit carries through this clinic around every nook and cranny and his heart will be shared in every life impacted that walks through the doors of the T.J. Gardner Center, and to all those who struggle with substance abuse.


The T.J. Gardner Center is here to help all who are willing to receive it and we will make sure that they understand “they are not alone” in this journey. We are here to help rebuild and transform the lives of both men and women spiritually, mentally, and physically that are impacted by substance abuse.

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